During the official visit of the Delegation from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, headed by Vice-President of the Academy, Professor, Academician Li Peilin, in Odessa National Maritime University on September 14, 2018, the first Ukrainian Center of China Studies was opened.

The ceremony was attended by: Rector of ONMU prof. Rudenko S.V., Consul General of the PR of China in Odessa, Zhao Xiangrong, representatives of the Odessa City Council, the public and enterprises of Odessa.

As the part of event, between the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Odessa National Maritime University was signed an agreement on the cooperation.

During the visit, representatives of the Chinese delegation took part in the Second Chinese-Ukrainian Scholars High Academic Dialogue "The Belt and Road": Innovation of Social Policies and Pragmatic Cooperation between China and Ukraine ".

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