The ONMU's Center of Inter-University Education informs about the 5th competition for students of Ukrainian universities within the framework of the project “Scholarship in Ukraine”. The grant budget of the competition is 63000 UAH and 3 separate grants are provided. Total prize places - 9.
Participation in the competition is free! Students, both on a budget and contract basis, can participate. If the winner is studying on contract basis – the grant goes to pay for his studies at university, and if on the budget - they pay additional training courses for the student's choice.
The aim of the project is to support talented young people who are educated in Ukraine and strive to develop in their homeland. To receive a study grant, a student has to write a competition paper and defend it.
Detailed conditions – on the official site of the competitionand the pages with conditions from grantees:
1 grant
2 grant
3 grant
Work and applications are accepted until 05/17/2020.
We dream to see ONMU students among the winners!