Computer Sciences and Information Technology

122 «Computer Sciences and Information Technology»
Shipbuilding Faculty

Full-time attendance
License for study  75 places
Tuition (for all course of the study)  66530 UAH ($ 2640)
Tuition (for the first year of the study) 41580 UAH ($ 1650)
Term of apprenticeship 1 year 6 months
Part-time education
License for study  25 places
Tuition (for all course of the study)  59850 UAH ($ 2375)
Tuition (for the first year of the study) 37420 UAH ($ 1485)
Term of apprenticeship 1 year 6 months

Industrial and machinery engineering

133 «Industrial and machinery engineering»
Port Engeeniring Faculty

Full-time attendance
License for study  50 places
Tuition (for all course of the study)  66530 UAH ($ 2640)
Tuition (for the first year of the study) 41580 UAH ($ 1650)
Term of apprenticeship 1 year 6 months
Part-time education
License for study  50 places
Tuition (for all course of the study)  59850 UAH ($ 2375)
Tuition (for the first year of the study) 37420 UAH ($ 1485)
Term of apprenticeship 1 year 6 months


073 «Management»
Faculty of Economics and Management

 Full-time attendance
License for study  80 places
Tuition (for all course of the study)  41580 UAH ($ 1650)
Tuition (for the first year of the study) 41580 UAH ($ 1650)
Term of apprenticeship 1 year
Part-time education
License for study  55 places
Tuition (for all course of the study)  59850 UAH ($ 2375)
Tuition (for the first year of the study) 37420 UAH ($ 1485)
Term of apprenticeship 1 year 6 months

Marine and River Transport

271 «Marine and River Transport»
Ship Engineering Faculty

Full-time attendance
License for study 240 places
Tuition (for all course of the study)  66530 UAH ($ 2640)
Tuition (for the first year of the study) 41580 UAH ($ 1650)
Term of apprenticeship 1 year 6 months
Part-time education
License for study 240 places
Tuition (for all course of the study)  59850 UAH ($ 2375)
Tuition (for the first year of the study) 37420 UAH ($ 1485)
Term of apprenticeship 1 year 6 months


081 «Law»
Law Faculty

 Full-time attendance
License for study 80 places
Tuition (for all course of the study)  41580 UAH ($ 1650)
Tuition (for the first year of the study) 41580 UAH ($ 1650)
Term of apprenticeship 1 year
Part-time education
License for study 80 places
Tuition (for all course of the study) 44980 UAH ($ 1785)
Tuition (for the first year of the study) 37420 UAH ($ 1485)
Term of apprenticeship 1 year 2 months

Building and Civil Engineering

192 «Building and Civil Engineering» 
Faculty of Water-transport and Shelf Constructions

 Full-time attendance
License for study 50 places
Tuition (for all course of the study)  41580 UAH ($ 1650)
Tuition (for the first year of the study) 41580 UAH ($ 1650)
Term of apprenticeship 1 year
Part-time education
License for study 25 places
Tuition (for all course of the study) 37420 UAH ($ 1485)
Tuition (for the first year of the study) 37420 UAH ($ 1485)
Term of apprenticeship 1 year


135 «Shipbuilding»
Shipbuilding Faculty

 Full-time attendance
License for study 100 places
Tuition (for all course of the study)  66530 UAH ($ 2640)
Tuition (for the first year of the study) 41580 UAH ($ 1650)
Term of apprenticeship 1 year 6 months
Part-time education
License for study 100 places
Tuition (for all course of the study)  59850 UAH ($ 2375)
Tuition (for the first year of the study) 37420 UAH ($ 1485)
Term of apprenticeship 1 year 6 months

Transport Technologies (by type)

275 «Transport Technologies»
Faculty of Transport Technologies and Systems

 Full-time attendance
License for study 290 places
Tuition (for all course of the study)  41580 UAH ($ 1650)
Tuition (for the first year of the study) 41580 UAH ($ 1650)
Term of apprenticeship 1 year 6 months
Part-time education
License for study 220 places
Tuition (for all course of the study)  59850 UAH ($ 2375)
Tuition (for the first year of the study) 37420 UAH ($ 1485)
Term of apprenticeship 1 year 6 months


051 «Economics »
Faculty of Economics and Management

 Full-time attendance
License for study 20 places
Tuition (for all course of the study)  41580 UAH ($ 1650)
Tuition (for the first year of the study) 41580 UAH ($ 1650)
Term of apprenticeship 1 year
Part-time education
License for study 10 places
Tuition (for all course of the study)  59850 UAH ($ 2375)
Tuition (for the first year of the study) 37420 UAH ($ 1485)
Term of apprenticeship 1 year 6 months

Business, trade and exchange activities

076 «Business, trade and exchange activities»
Faculty of Economics and Management

 Full-time attendance
License for study 45 places
Tuition (for all course of the study)  41580 UAH ($ 1650)
Tuition (for the first year of the study) 41580 UAH ($ 1650)
Term of apprenticeship 1 year
Part-time education
License for study 30 places
Tuition (for all course of the study)  59850 UAH ($ 2375)
Tuition (for the first year of the study) 37420 UAH ($ 1485)
Term of apprenticeship 1 year 6 months

Faculty of foreign students

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