The purposes of the event are the professional discussion of theoretical issues, the practical state and promising trends in the development of business and management in the world and in Ukraine, as well as in certain areas of management in modern conditions.
- Thematic directions:
- Theoretical foundations of formation and development of business and management
- Circumstance and prospects of business (by types of activity)
- Information and digital technology for business
- Project management: realities and prospects
- HORECA business
- Engineering and technical management
- Current trends in education
- Additional events:
- >Round table with the participation of representatives of science, education, business and government "FORMULA OF THE FUTURE SPECIALIST: BUSINESS + EDUCATION + SCIENCE"
Ukraine, Odesa, October 12 - The Master class from representatives of the Turkish hotel chain Delphin Hotels. The Venue – Hotel Delphin Diva 5*.Special accommodation price for participants based on double occupancy – 450 euros per 5 nights.
Turkey, Antalya, Approximate dates 27.09-01.10 (to be specified closer to the event)
Scientists, graduate and doctoral students, specialists of various scientific profiles and fields, teachers of higher educational institutions and colleges, students and other interested persons are invited to participate in the conference.
Details about the fate of the conference in the information sheet
Register by the following the link
October 15-16, 2021, Odessa, Ukraine.
Scientists, graduate and doctoral students, specialists of various scientific profiles and fields, teachers of higher educational institutions and colleges, students and other interested persons are invited to participate in the conference.
The conference MPP & O-2021 has awarded to the 90th anniversary of the shipbuilding faculty of the Odessa National Maritime University and the Department of Ship Power Plants and Technical Operations.
The purpose of the conference is to analyze current issues of modern ship energy, technical operation of ship power plants and related topics; exchange of experience of colleagues of technical universities of Ukraine, foreign universities and technical firms.
On May 15-16, 2020, the First International Scientific and Practical Conference «Topical Issues of Psychology in the Modern Innovative Space» will be held at the Odessa National Maritime University. The conference organizing committee invites scientists, practical psychologists, students and graduate students to participate in the conference.
The purpose of the conference is the integration of scientific knowledge and successful practices, professional discussion of the fundamental and applied problems of the psychology of innovation in the modern society.
- The main theme of the conference:
- Section 1. Innovative approaches to theoretical and methodological problems in the modern psychology;
- Section 2. Empirical developments in the sphere of human activity in the modern society;
- Section 3. Innovative potential of the individual in the conditions of transformational changes of society;
- Section 4. Socio-psychological problems of the modern society: economic, social and ethno-cultural aspects;
- Section 5. Theoretical and methodological study of personality in various fields of activity.
- Forms of participation in the conference:
- Intramural (speaking with a video conference using the Zoom application, a web link will be sent to your email address.
- Correspondence participation (publication of abstracts).