1. The purpose of the Research Center is Conducting research on the social development of “the Belt and Road”.
  2. Provide organizational and technical support in the process of realization of implemented activities (projects).
  3. Implicate the resources of the Parties to carrying out the identified Activities (projects).
  4. Encourage students, academic staff, administration and other interested parties:
    • to participate in joint international scientific and practical conferences, seminars, round tables, creative discussions;
    • to develop and implement of research projects, methodological educational programs;
    • to take part in publication of joint scientific monographs, collections of scientific papers, curriculums, textbooks, workshops;
    • to exchange experience and innovative technologies, didactic and scientific materials, publications.
  5. To facilitate students and academic staff exchange programs and mobility according to the curriculums and scientific interests.
  6. Analyze the results of the activities and disseminate the information about them through pedagogical and academic press.
  7. Perform other tasks that correspond to the goals and directions of the University.
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