Announcement of the opening of the new competition of the European Union Program Erasmus + for 2019.

Erasmus + supports collaborative projects in 3 areas: Key Action (KA)1 , Key Action (KA)2 , Key Action (KA) 3. The total Erasmus + budget for 2019 is 300 million Euros.

    The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine informs that Ukraine about have got a separate financing in Erasmus + programme in 2019-2020. Within the framework of a separate financing Erasmus + in 2019, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine identified the following priorities among the national priorities approved by the European Commission for Ukraine for 2018-2020:
  1. Lifelong learning;
  2. Teaching and Learning.

Detailed information on the updated Guide to the Program and other documents can be found on the European Commission's website and on the National Erasmus + Office website in Ukraine.

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) announces a competition for DAAD scholarship programs. Announcing a set of students in bachelor's programs, as well as for graduates, postgraduates, young scientists and lecturers. The training is in German or English.

More about scholarships

Further scholarship programs

During the official visit of the Delegation from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, headed by Vice-President of the Academy, Professor, Academician Li Peilin, in Odessa National Maritime University on September 14, 2018, the first Ukrainian Center of China Studies was opened.

The ceremony was attended by: Rector of ONMU prof. Rudenko S.V., Consul General of the PR of China in Odessa, Zhao Xiangrong, representatives of the Odessa City Council, the public and enterprises of Odessa.

As the part of event, between the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Odessa National Maritime University was signed an agreement on the cooperation.

During the visit, representatives of the Chinese delegation took part in the Second Chinese-Ukrainian Scholars High Academic Dialogue "The Belt and Road": Innovation of Social Policies and Pragmatic Cooperation between China and Ukraine ".

Contacts of the Department of International Relations

Office 219, Mechnikov street, 34, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029

tel.: + 380 482 341192

fax: + 380 482 341192

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Skype: ONMU-foreign-students

ONMU delegation headed by the rector of the university Prof. Rudenko S.V. visited the China Development and Global Opportunities International Conference on Social Development for Countries along "the Belt and Road" (Shanghai Academy) as part of expanding cooperation between the Scientific Research Center for Social Development of the “the Belt and Road” IS CASS-ONMU and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) during 2018, June, 10-14.

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