The 6th Intelligence Hunt projects starts soon. Intelligence Hunt is a company and student competition where you can challenge yourself and find new international friends too!

The students are welcome to apply to the competition via SeaFocus official registration, which will be open September 1-25, 2019. The candidate qualification and selection process will start September 26th, 2019 and the students qualified for the competition will be informed and teams formed by the beginning of October.

The work on the Company Case assignments starts October 1st, 2019 and ends January 22nd, 2020 at the Finals, which is a part of the main conference of the Navigate2020 Maritime Trade Fair in Turku, Finland. At the end of the day the best teams will be awarded at the Award Ceremony.

On June 26, at the Academic Council of the ONMU in a solemn ceremony, the Rector of the University, Professor Sergei V. Rudenko presented the diplomas of the University of Occupational Safety Management in Katowice (Poland) to the first graduates of the program "Two Diplomas ONMU - WSZOP".

Masters of the educational program "Project Management" were congratulated by the head of the department "Logistics systems and projects management", Professor Inna Lapkina and employees of the Interuniversity Education Dep.

As part of the work of the CASS-ONMU: Center of China Studies, a delegation of ONMU representatives by Professor Markov V.V., Vice-Rector of ONMU, Vice-President of the Council of the CASS-ONMU: Center of China Studies and Glovatska S.M., Head of International Relations Department, Director of CASS-ONMU: Center of China Studies, Executive Secretary of the Research Center of Social Development of “the Belt and Road” along countries, took part in the International Symposium "China’s Development and Opportunities for the World". This event was organized by the National Institute of Social Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing (China) in the period from 21.06-26.06.2019.

June 26, 2019 Odessa National Maritime University has once again become a venue for important events. The meeting "Changes in Admissions to higher education in 2019" has been held in the assembly hall. The meeting was attended by pro-rectors and responsible secretaries of the admission commissions of the universities of the South of Ukraine.

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    Within the framework of the work of CASS-ONMU: Center of China Studies in the period from 01.06 to 07.06.2019 Odessa National Maritime University was visited by a delegation from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences consisting of:
  1. Ma Feng, vice-director CASS-ONMU: Center of China Studies , ph.D, Postdoctor, assistance professor National institute of social development CASS;
  2. Liu Hongkui, Ph.D of economic, Postdoctor of economic, assistance professor Institute of economic CASS.

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