Specialty: 275 TRANSPORT TECHNOLOGIES (by sea and river transport)

Field of knowledge: 27 Transport

Educational program: Тransportation logistics and transport management

Forms of study: full-time and part-time.

    Term of study:
  • 4 years

Video presentation of specialty Transport technology (on marine and river transport)

Specialty 275 TRANSPORT TECHNOLOGIES (by sea and river transport) is a unique engineering specialty, which continues the traditions of the Faculty of "WATER TRANSPORT EXPLOITATION", later renamed the Faculty of "MARINE TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT", then Faculty of “TRANSPORT TECHNOLOGIES AND SYSTEMS

QUALITATIVE ORGANIZATION OF CARGO AND PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION, AS WELL AS EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT OF THE FLEET AND PORTS are the defining criteria of the transport industry. Achieving a high level of relevant indicators requires a wide range of specialists who are prepared for independent engineering, management and organizational work in the field of operation, development and design of transport systems. These requirements are IN FULL MEASURE by our graduates who receive higher education under the educational-professional program "TRANSPORTATION LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT".

OUR STUDENTS - higher education in industry 27 Transport:

1. Undergo practical training in the LEADING transport organizations of the state and have the opportunity to acquire the competencies required for further professional activity.

2. Participate in various BUSINESS TRAININGS, BUSINESS GAMES, MASTER CLASSES with the involvement of leading experts in the field.

3. The following basic disciplines of general and professional training are studied: General course of transport; Research of operations in transport systems; Fundamentals of systems theory and control; Professional English; Fundamentals of project management; Fundamentals of geographic information systems in the shipping; Cargo science; Organization of freight transportation; Fundamentals of the theory of transport processes and systems; Organization of passenger transportation; Basics of port management; Technology of cargo operations; Logistics; Customs support of foreign trade operations; Maritime technology; Interaction of modes of transport; Intraport operational management; Organization of freight forwarding services; Fleet management; Arrangement and equipment of ports; Theory and structure of the ship; Agency; Tariffs, freight, fees in the system of sea transportation; Chartering, Navigation management.

4. Make their own educational trajectory of learning by free choice of disciplines in the amount provided by law, from the following list: Infrastructure of transport systems; Transport hubs and ports in the system of international trade; Basics of freight forwarding activities; Interaction of the port with the clientele; Management of terminal and transport and warehousing systems (in-port logistics); Organization of port business; Competition in the market of port services; Organization of port operators; Surveyor and Talman activities in ports; Organization and management of ship traffic; International navigation regulation; Fundamentals of commercial activity of shipping companies; Transport support of foreign economic relations; Liner shipping; Crewing and shipchandling; Intermodal transportation; Organization and management of the specialized fleet; Theory and practice of claim work on transport; Management decision-making technologies; System organization of business processes in transport; Applied statistics; Supply and sale in logistics; Anti-crisis management on transport; Modeling of transport processes and systems; Design and optimization of integrated transport systems; Logistics centers and outsourcing of logistics services; Projects of development of the enterprises of a transport complex; Political Science and Sociology; Logic; Maritime law; Legal regulation of customs activities; English; German language.

5. Have the right to attend classes of interest to them in other educational and professional programs as electives, without passing tests and exams, gaining additional professional competencies and acquiring useful softskills.

6. Have an academic mobility, which allows to improve their knowledge in foreign higher education institutions, with the right to recognize and recalculate the results of such training. Conditions of study and practice abroad are guaranteed by agreements between ONMU and higher educational institutions of Europe, Asia and North America.

7. Have the opportunity to participate in scientific and practical All-Ukrainian and International conferences with the publication of research materials in reputable industry publications.

Advantages of the specialty 275 TRANSPORT TECHNOLOGIES (by sea and river transport) are OUR GRADUATES who proudly call themselves OPERATORS (EXes) !!!
    1. Are able to:
  • organize and manage the transportation of goods and passengers in various connections;
  • organize the work of the fleet, as well as operations for agency and chartering of vessels;
  • to organize port production and to carry out intraport operational management;
  • to find solutions for rational methods of organizing loading and unloading operations. Plan schedules for loading and unloading. To choose mechanisms and means of carrying out loading and unloading works;
  • evaluate the parameters of traffic flows. Design schemes and networks of transport systems. Develop technologies for operational management of traffic flows;
  • substantiate the choice of vehicle, lifting and handling equipment, as well as rational schemes (routes) of their work and intra-port movement, organize and manage their implementation;
  • to choose effective technologies of interaction of types of transport. Analyze the possibilities of using different options for the interaction of modes of transport. Organize and ensure the implementation of measures to prevent the detention of goods and downtime of rolling stock of different modes of transport at points of their interaction (transport hubs, ports). Substantiate the parameters of a single technological process of the transport node (port) in the interaction of different modes of transport;
  • develop supply chains and evaluate their effectiveness. Establish links between different supply chains. Defining the functions of logistics centers. Analyze the features of related information and financial flows;
  • to study the types and types of transport systems. Find solutions for optimizing the parameters of transport systems. Assess the efficiency of infrastructure and technology of transport systems;
  • explain the operational, technical and economic, technological, legal, social and environmental efficiency of transportation;
  • organize a freight forwarding services;
  • apply in practice the knowledge and understanding of the basics of shipping management.
  • apply in practice knowledge and understanding of customs infrastructure, customs regimes, the procedure for organizing customs control and customs tariff regulation in transport;
  • organize and ensure customs clearance of goods and vehicles, including their declaration

2. Work in the various areas of a transport business, namely: in the transport departments of international multinational corporations; in public transport management bodies; in transport departments of municipal institutions; in divisions of transport inspection of Ukraine; in the Administrations of Seaports of Ukraine; in regional and local divisions of the customs service of Ukraine; in departments and services of sea and river ports; in the fleet operation services of shipping companies; in passenger services of shipping companies; in port dispatch services; in the departments of foreign economic activity of various profiles; in the logistics departments of manufacturing and trading companies; in brokerage and freight firms; in shipping, customs brokerage, surveying, stevedoring, agency; freight forwarding, crewing companies; in companies providing shipping management services; in representations of the international shipping lines.

3. Work both at the enterprises of the transport complex of Ukraine and abroad.

4. Create your own business in the transport sector.

5. Occupy positions (Classifier of professions DK 003: 2010):

1222.2 Head of the dispatching (production-dispatching) service;

1226.1 Chief Dispatcher (transport, warehousing); Chief Engineer (on transport); Director of Transport; Chief of the port (sea, river, fish, etc.);

1226.2 Head of the transshipment base; Head of the container site; Warehouse manager; Head of the central warehouse; Master of the fleet maintenance base; Master of loading and unloading works; Master of the cargo area; Head of the department (on transport); Head of the warehouse; Shift supervisor (transport, warehousing, communications); Head of the office (freight, transport and warehousing, etc.); Head of the reloading complex; Chief of port supervision; Chief of the pier; Chief of the berth; Chief of the warehouse (freight); Chief of the warehouse (freight); Head of service (transport); Chief of Fleet (port);

1316 Director (manager) of a small enterprise (transport, warehousing);

1443 Manager (manager) of freight forwarding activities; Manager (manager) on water transport;

2149.2 Fleet Dispatcher; Traffic Service Manager; Transport Engineer; Engineer-dispatcher for the movement of the fleet (in the fleet); Technological engineer;

Engineer for the organization of production management;

3119 Dispatcher; International Transportation Manager; Navigation Information Collection Manager; Port Manager; Transportation Service Manager; Freighter;

3141 Inspector of non-self-propelled fleet;

3142 Stevedore; Stevedore in the most important seaports;

3152 Maritime Safety Inspector; Inspector for operational, production-technical and organizational issues; Inspector of small vessels (small fleet); Vessel Registration Inspector; Maritime Inspector; Port Supervision Inspector; Cargo surveyor;

3411 Broker;

3415 Agent; Commercial agent; Sea agent; Attorney of the Navy (supervisor);

3422 Customs clearance agent; Customs clearance agent for goods and goods; Cargo transfer agent at the border station (point); Agent for orders of the population for transportation; Administrator of passenger service; Freight forwarder; Duty on the freight forwarding enterprise;

3441 Customs inspector;

3449 State Inspector for Small Vessels;

4131 Talman; Office worker (warehouse);

4133 Operator for information on the approach and arrival of goods; Office worker (transportation of goods); Informant of the navigable situation; Operator of dispatching and loading and unloading operations on road (sea, river) transport; Dispatcher service operator; Operator for processing transport documents; Passenger and freight service operator; Transportation Service Operator; Traffic Service Operator; Senior operator of fleet control.

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