The Odessa National Maritime University has declared the 2020-2021 academic year as a jubilee year.

Our Alma Mother is 90 years old!

Celebrations were planned in honor of the significant event, but, for reasons known to all mankind, we can not afford such a celebration now.

But we sincerely believe in a better future and are confident that we will definitely gather in our native walls with OUR GREAT FAMILY.

We promise you that you will be the first to know about the date of celebrating our anniversary!

In the meantime, in these autumn days, let's dive into the memories of "How it was": about our youth, growth, success, about how we grew up and asserted ourselves.

See you, dear our alumni, teachers, students, and staff!

Congratulations to ONMU students on the International Student Day - the Day of Youth Unity of the World.

We hope and have a deep conviction that on this day students from all over the world will unite, erasing all differences between skin color, language and traditions. And all over our planet on this day will celebrate and rejoice representatives of one nationality, whose name is STUDENTS.

Today we congratulate everyone who is learning the basics of their future profession.

Sincere video greetings rom the student television "ONMULife", the Center for Extracurricular Activities of ONMU.

On October 29, the election of the rector took place at Odessa National Maritime University.

According to the results of the voting, Professor Serhiy Rudenko received 509 (77.24%) votes of all voters.

The organizing committee, the election commission and the staff of the university congratulate Serhiy Vasyliovych Rudenko on the victory and wish him success and inspiration in his further work!

Our university received the high award "Country's Choice", it is a gift for the 90th anniversary of ONMU. Congratulations to the university community!

“It is a great honor and extreme pride to receive the recognition for our achievements and to feel this level support. The university has chosen the only way - to meet the challenges of our time. Therefore, our every step on the chosen path meets the requirements of the time. The university staff boldly assumes responsibility for the further successful implementation of the tasks set. We will keep the chosen path further, and this is the key to the effective implementation of plans aimed at achieving the goals "- S.V. Rudenko

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