Odesa is known as “SEA GATE OF NATION”. And any gate is intended to open. With that aim in mind 95 years ago there was founded “Vodniy Institute” - Water Transport Institute – the most marine and the most Odesalike of all.
Odessa National Maritime University (ONMU) is a prestigious higher education institution under subordination of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine.
ONMU was founded in 1930 and has a long and rich history of educating future maritime industry professionals.
The mission of ONMU is to provide high-quality education, research, and innovation in the fields of maritime transportation, port operations, and marine engineering.
The university aims to prepare competent and skilled professionals who can contribute to the development of the maritime industry around the worldwide.
ONMU has a bright future ahead as the maritime industry is continuously expanding and evolving. The university is well-positioned to meet the growing demand for skilled professionals in the industry. ONMU is constantly improving its programs and facilities to ensure that its graduates are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in their careers.
The University is a member of the European Association of Universities (EAU), South East European Association of Transport Researches (SETREF), International Association of Maritime University (IAMU), and Magna Charta Universitatum.
Since 1995 ONMU participated in Trans-European Programs of Cooperation (TACІS –TEMPUS, Erasmus +) and CEI Programmes.
Since 2003 the ONMU successfully completed the certification of international quality management systems ISO 9001.
Odessa National Maritime University has educated maritime industry professionals for foreign countries since 1950. During this period, graduates were trained for more than 90 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America.
The structure of University includes R&D Institute, 5 Educational institutes and Faculty of Foreign Students.
Історія університету

моменту свого заснування Одеський національний морський університет залишається єдиним у своєму покликанні, призначенні, організаційній структурі, cкладній і славетній історії, витвореній упродовж десятиріч його викладачами й випускниками. Наш вищий навчальний заклад і сьогодні відомий у самій Україні та далеко за її межами. Однак, попри незначний порівняно з відомими національними університетами вік, ОІІВТ–ОНМУ посідає перше місце в лавах фундаторів інженерно-морської освіти. Зазираючи за багаторічний відрізок минулого, представляємо короткий нарис основних історичних етапів, які пройшов колектив кількох поколінь учених і співробітників ОІІВТ-ОНМУ — людей, які прославили наш заклад, ототожнюючи себе з ним.
In honor of the United Nations Day, we take the change to think about the importance of peace and unification of global societies. As a permanent member of the UN, Ukraine has always demonstrated unwavering commitment to peace and cooperation with all progressive states globally, making every possible effort to prevent conflicts.
Sea transport enables over 80% of global trade, inherently relying on proactive international cooperation. Odesa National Maritime University annually welcomes students from 60+ countries across the globe to Bachelor's and Master's programs in the field of maritime affairs. We strive to provide the best maritime education, covering all domains of this diverse field, and invite to contribute to research that significantly affects the development of the maritime sector of the Ukrainian economy.
Besides studying in an international environment, our students live, learn and develop in an intercultural setting, actively practicing core principles of the United Nations. Having more than 90 years history of training maritime transport specialists for 84 countries and territories globally, Odesa National Maritime University is a significant lever for real change in the world, promoting sustainable development in our top-grade maritime education, research and advanced training programs.
We are proud to represent our great and courageous State as a member of the UN in the global maritime community. In future, we will continue developing cooperation with educational institutions of the UN member states to ensure the highest quality of education for tomorrow's maritime leaders